The best flight attendants are from Asia
The friendliest, most helpful and efficient flight attendants in the world are predominantly found on Asian airlines.

The friendliest, most helpful and efficient flight attendants in the world are predominantly found on Asian airlines. That’s according to flyers across 160 countries who completed 18 million customer satisfaction surveys which asked respondents to rate their favorite airline cabin crew.
Topping Skytrax World Airline Awards category of best cabin staff: Hong Kong’s flagship carrier Cathay Pacific, which took the No.1 spot from flight attendants of Malaysia Airlines who won the title last year.
Meanwhile, of the top 10 airlines boasting the best cabin crew, eight are from Asia.
Winners were announced at the Paris Air Show this week.
1. Cathay Pacific Airways
2. Asiana Airlines
3. Malaysia Airlines
4. EVA Air
5. Singapore Airlines
6. ANA All Nippon Airways
7. Garuda Indonesia
8. Qatar Airways
9. Hainan Airlines
10. Thai Airways